Arris Academy

The Most Important US Visa Questions for Students: Tips and Tricks to Answer Them

US visa interview

The Most Important US Visa Questions for Students: Tips and Tricks to Answer Them​

Applying for a student visa to study in the US can be a daunting process, especially when it comes to the interview stage. Being well-prepared with answers to common questions can significantly boost your confidence and increase your chances of success. 

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions during US visa interviews (student), along with tips and tricks to answer them effectively. 

The answers given below are just samples of US visa interview questions, and we highly recommend doing your research to tailor your responses to your profile.

  1. Why do you plan to do an MS / MBA?

Answer: I feel that higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today’s competitive world. I feel that I have a good knowledge of my   field, but a bit more technical knowledge will serve me greatly, when I come back here and join the industry.

2. Why do you wish to study in the US and not in India?

Answer 1:  In India, education is mainly theoretical whereas in the U.S., there is more stress on Project work and Research Work. OR

Answer 2: The courses in the field I am interested in are not being offered (or very few institutions offer such courses). In addition to that, the research going on is something I would like to be associated with. (Speak about the facilities as well). 

Tip: Talk about a few researches being conducted in that field. Technical words work out well when other things don’t.

3. Why did you select this University?

Answer : Sir, the first and foremost factor for selecting this university was the course being offered. Telecom at UMCP is a cross-disciplinary course. Besides technical knowledge, this course also enhances the managerial skills, which is the demand of the present-day telecom industry. So while the professors from the Computer and Electrical department will be teaching me Signal Processing, Encoding, Communication techniques, and Networking, at the same time the experts from School of Public Affairs will be imparting to me knowledge of Present day competition in Telecom industry, staff management and resource management.”

If time permitted, I would have added:

Sir, UMCP is located within the Baltimore-Washington DC area, one of the greatest concentrations of research facilities and intellectual talent in the nation. “Library of Congress”, “the National Archives” and “the Smithsonian Institute” are some of the biggest research institutes and libraries which the students will enjoy having frequent interactions with. What else could a Student ask for? (Remember, here you need to mention the course contents in this University which attracted you.)

Tip: This question can be best answered when you do a bit of homework about your university. Browse the Web page of the University, visit the pages of the professors, and go through their projects. Now remember some of the key words, like the project a professor X is working on. Mention something about the project if the officer is listening and is giving you time to explain. When you do such things, they think that you are pretty serious about your studies and are really into it. Well, some people believe in mentioning the rank of the university, or the student to faculty ratio. Well, all these things don’t affect how you are interested in it. You can say all these things such as rank and all, but you have to state what interests you and it should be something about research or academics. You can also show letters of correspondence with your University professors.

4. Your passbooks show that a large amount of money has recently been deposited. How would you explain that?  

Answer : We normally do not keep large sums of money in the Savings a/c since we earn a higher rate of interest when we invest them in Bonds / Fixed Deposits. 

Tip: You can also say that you had invested in private firms because they provide higher interest rates around 13% per annum as compared to merely 8% given by Banks. Be confident as you speak.

5. What does your father do? (What if my dad had taken the VR?)

Here are two recommended approaches, depending on his current situation:

Answer 1 : Highlighting Continued Professional Engagement:

  • Example: “My father has been working with a German collaborating company for the past 25 years as a Manager in the XYZ department. Now, he has established his own consultancy, specializing in [insert financial or technical terms].”

Answer 2 : Mentioning Voluntary Retirement with Continued Activity:

  • Example: “My father worked as a Manager with a German collaborating company for the past 25 years and took voluntary retirement. Currently, he runs his own consultancy, focusing on [insert financial or technical terms].”

Tip: When discussing your father’s professional background, it’s important to present it in a way that highlights his continued engagement and expertise. It’s important not to mention if your father is currently idle, as this might imply a significant reduction in household income, which could be perceived negatively.

6. Do you have any relatives in the US?

Answer 1(If None of Your Immediate Blood Relatives are in the US) : “No, I do not have any relatives in the US.”

Answer 2 (If Any of Your Immediate Blood Relatives are in the US) : “Yes, my [Father/Mother/Brother/Sister/Husband/Wife] is in the US.”

Avoid mentioning extended family members such as uncles, aunts, cousins, or family friends unless they are your sponsors. This ensures clarity and honesty, focusing on immediate family ties that are most relevant.

7. Why is your GRE score low?

Answer: I do admit that my GRE score is average. However, the university has considered my Quantitative score, which is quite strong. Additionally, other sections such as verbal and analytical writing are also important to universities during the selection process. My overall application showcases my strengths, including my academic performance, relevant experience, and strong letters of recommendation.

If the situation requires further explanation: Moreover, I have a decent TOEFL score, which demonstrates my proficiency in English. It’s important to note that the GRE is just one of many aspects that universities consider during the admissions process. My application reflects a well-rounded profile that aligns with the university’s criteria.

8. What are your plans after graduation?

Answer 1: Sir, the telecom industry is booming in India today. Various multinational companies like HUGHES, Orange, AT&T, and Hutchison are investing significant research funds and are looking forward to launching advanced telecommunication systems in India. Besides these, Indian telecom giants like Reliance Telecom, Bharti Telecom, and VSNL are also making substantial investments in this field. I believe that acquiring advanced technical knowledge through my MS will help me achieve greater heights in this rapidly expanding industry.

Having deepened my technical expertise after completing my studies, I aspire to enter this vast arena of the Indian telecom industry. For instance, I was selected by Reliance Telecom, but I recognize that deeper technical knowledge will enable me to achieve better results in this competitive field. There is a notable demand for professionals with advanced technical know-how, and I aim to meet this demand by completing my MS and seizing the opportunities available in this industry.

Answer 2: I plan to start the export division in my family business upon my return. Indian garments are renowned worldwide, and there is a tremendous demand overseas for our products. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I gain during my MS will enable me to effectively expand our business and tap into these international markets.

Tip: Research around your course to stimulate an answer similar to this.

9.Why are you changing your stream?

Sir, during my third semester, I was introduced to programming languages, which gave me great exposure to computers. I gradually developed a strong interest in this field and wanted to deepen my knowledge. I mastered several programming languages on my own and became proficient in web designing and software debugging.

I have always believed in strengthening myself in my initial field of study before enhancing my skills in a new area of interest. Although I pursued my BE in Civil Engineering out of genuine interest, my passion for computer science grew as I gained more exposure. I am now eager to transition into computer science because it aligns with my current interests and career aspirations. My decision is driven by a sincere interest in the subject and a desire to excel in this field.

Tip: This is a sample response. Please ensure that you present your plans and reasons for changing streams in a well-rounded, genuine, and confident manner.

10. What is your fathers annual income?

Answer: The annual income of my family, including my father’s salary, my mother’s earnings, agricultural income, rental income, and interest and dividends, totals [amount]. This combined income shows our capability to fund my education. If required, I can provide the income tax returns for both my parents, along with agricultural income papers and rental receipts. My family is collectively sponsoring my education, and we are well-prepared to cover all related expenses.

Tip: When asked about your father’s annual income, it’s crucial to provide a comprehensive view of your family’s financial situation. This helps demonstrate your ability to cover educational expenses. 

11. You look like a potential immigrant or I don’t think you will come back to India.

Tip: This is a delicate question and requires a well-prepared response to assure the interviewer of your intentions to return to India.

Answer 1 (If you have substantial family property or a well-established family business) :

I understand your concern, but I am firmly committed to returning to India after completing my studies. I come from a well-established family with significant property, and I stand to inherit a substantial amount from my parents. My primary goal is to gain the advanced technical knowledge needed to enhance my professional skills. Given the current economic climate, many multinational companies are increasingly partnering with Indian firms for their software solutions. For instance, companies like Infosys, TCS, and Wipro have strong ties with US-based companies. With my degree, I am confident that I will secure equivalent opportunities and competitive salaries in India.

Answer 2 (If your family runs a business) :

We are well-settled in India with our own business, which employs over 50 people. The contacts and knowledge I will gain during my stay in the US will be invaluable for expanding our business, particularly in starting an export division. There is no reason for me to stay in the US when I have such promising opportunities and responsibilities waiting for me in India.

12. Why is your father sponsoring you?

Tip: When asked why your father is sponsoring your education, it’s important to convey the support and trust within your family.

Answer: My father has always been very supportive of my education and has sponsored it throughout my life. He believes in the value of higher education and trusts that I will make the most of this opportunity. Additionally, he knows that I will return to India to be with our family and to take care of him after his retirement, which I certainly will. His sponsorship is a testament to his confidence in my future success and our strong family bond.”

13. Suppose you meet someone in the USA whom you like, would you consider marrying her?

Answer: No, I would not consider marrying someone while I am in the USA. My parents will be finding a suitable partner for me after I return to India. It is our family’s tradition and my personal preference to follow this process.

Tip: When asked about your plans regarding marriage while studying in the USA, it’s important to provide a clear and respectful response that aligns with your personal and cultural values.

14. What will you do if your visa is rejected?

Answer:If my visa is rejected, I will carefully analyze the reasons for the rejection and take the necessary corrective actions. I will then reapply, ensuring that I have addressed all the concerns raised during the initial application process.

Tip: When asked about your plans if your visa is rejected, it’s important to show resilience and a proactive approach.

15. Will you come back to India during summer vacation?

Answer: I would prefer to take up extra courses or internships during summer vacation to maximize the benefits of my time in the USA. This will help me gain additional knowledge and practical experience in my field. However, I would also love to come back and meet my parents if the opportunity arises

16. Your parents had so much money in just 2 years?

Answer: My parents have always believed in saving their resources and investing wisely to build a secure future for our family. The finances we have today have been accumulated and carefully managed over a period of 30 years. This long-term financial planning and prudent investment have enabled them to support my education and career aspirations.

17. Why have you selected this particular area of specialization?

Answer: I have chosen this particular area of specialization because it aligns with my interests and career aspirations. Additionally, there is significant potential in this field in India. With rapid advancements and substantial investments from both multinational and domestic companies, there are numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. I believe that specializing in this area will equip me with the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to and benefit from this burgeoning sector in India.

Tip: When asked why you chose your specific area of specialization, it’s important to highlight both your personal interest and the potential opportunities in that field, especially in India. 

18. How will you be able to cope with the severe climatic conditions there?

Answer: Sir, I do not have any health problems and I am comfortable in any kind of weather. I am confident in my ability to adapt to the climatic conditions there and take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and comfortable.

19. Why will you not work in the U.S. after your studies?

Tip: When asked why you won’t work in the U.S. after your studies, it’s important to reaffirm your commitment to returning to your home country.

Answer: I am firmly committed to returning to India after completing my studies. I come from a well-established family with significant property and business interests, and I stand to inherit a substantial amount from my parents. My primary goal is to gain advanced technical knowledge to enhance my professional skills and apply them in India. Given the growing opportunities in India, I am confident that I can achieve my career goals and contribute to the development of my field back home.

20. What if you get placed during the course of your studies?

Answer: I intend to return to India after completing my studies and do not plan to seek employment in the U.S. My goal is to leverage the knowledge and skills I gain during my course to contribute to the growth and development of my field in India. Therefore, I will not be applying for placements in the U.S.

Some of the other potential questions can be:

  1. How many universities did you apply to?
  2. What is your GRE and TOEFL Score?
  3. What are your grades like?
  4. Who is planning to sponsor you?
  5. When did you plan to go to the USA?
  6. What are your goals?
  7. What salary do you expect on returning back?
  8. How many universities did you apply to?
  9. How many admits/rejects?

By preparing thoroughly for these questions and tailoring your answers to reflect your unique profile, you can approach your US student visa interview with confidence. But why stop there? At Arris Academy, our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring every aspect of your journey to studying abroad is meticulously planned and executed. From perfecting your interview responses to navigating the complexities of the visa process, we offer unparalleled support to make your dream a reality.

Don’t leave your future to chance, reach out to Arris Academy today and let us guide you every step of the way. Your academic adventure awaits – seize it with confidence!

Remember, research and honest responses are the two keys to make a positive impression. 

Good luck!

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