Arris Academy

Steps to Improve Reading skills


Learning how to read is an important part of learning English. It expands your  vocabulary and gives you fluency.

“Do it Right Now”: Steps to start improving instantly 

Step 1: Pick an English book or topic over the internet of your interest

Step 2: Keep a dictionary, pen and a paper alongside

Step 3: Scan, skim and start reading the text out loud in a subtle speech

Step 4: Break the words that are difficult to pronounce at one go into sounds and speak in a connecting flow. In you don’t know how that particular word sounds, refer to an audio dictionary and follow. Eg: Anticipation = An – tee — see — pay — shun. 

Step 5: Note down new phrases, words and expressions you come across while reading  and simultaneously take meaning from the dictionary. 

Step 6: On completion, review the topic in your head.

Step 7: Note the estimated time you took to read the text, number of words read and as a  trend, try and speed up with every third time you read.

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