arris-academy-admin February 13, 2019 No Comments Recent Feb 13th 2019 questions RECENT FEB 13TH 2019 QUESTIONS Our Arris Students Speaking topic #Speaking 13 th Feb 2019Section 1What is Your full name?Do you work or study?Is it a good place to work? One thing u want to change about ur workplace ?Do you like drawing ?Which type of drawings do u like more? WhyDo u like ur room to be decorated with paintings?why?Have you ever learned drawing? If not why?Which mode of transport do u use more?When was the last time u traveled ? Do you think everyone should learn driving?why?#Cue cardDescribe a place where u study indoor/outdoor-how does it look like-do others study there-what you prefer studying most Discussion Topic Why do some people fail to study properly?Do think it is good to have a timetable and why?Why do u think girls are more concentrated than boys while studying?What is the best way to study?Why some people fail to follow the timetable?Which one is better online or classroom studying ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of group studying? Post Views: 484